Nessus can scan a range of Linux flavours. As of writing these are: CentOS Debian Fedora Gentoo Red Hat Slackware SuSE Ubuntu There are two types of scans Nessus can run against Linux hosts: Patch audit Compliance audit Patch audit - the plugin families are "[distro name] Local Security Checks". Nessus will audit targets and report on missing security patches based on advisories released by respective distributions. Nessus requires credentials in order to preform this type of scan as this are local checks. Tenable recommends that root level credentials are used, though I have been able to successfully scan Linux hosts with a "standard" account. This however depends on distribution and how hardened it is. On Red Hat distros Nessus executes the following commands which work with non-root accounts: $rpm -qa $uname -a Nessus then compares its database with versions of kernel and installed packages. Compliance audit - Ten
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Source: Wikipedia